problem Adding machine Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Can you set the logic gates so that this machine can decide how many bulbs have been switched on?
problem 5 by 5 Mathdokus Age 7 to 16 Challenge level Can you use the clues to complete these 5 by 5 Mathematical Sudokus?
problem 4 by 4 Mathdokus Age 7 to 14 Challenge level Can you use the clues to complete these 4 by 4 Mathematical Sudokus?
problem Five More Coins Age 7 to 11 Challenge level Could Ben have any amount of money between 5p and £2 in his pocket if he has five coins?
article Phiddlywinks - a tribute to John Conway Read this article to find out more about the inspiration for NRICH's game, Phiddlywinks.
problem Are you well Balanced? Age 5 to 7 Challenge level Can you work out how to make each side of this balance equally balanced? You can put more than one weight on a hook.
problem Football Sum Age 11 to 14 Challenge level Find the values of the nine letters in the sum: FOOT + BALL = GAME
problem Charitable Pennies Age 7 to 14 Challenge level Investigate the different ways that fifteen schools could have given money in a charity fundraiser.
problem Rod Area Age 7 to 11 This task challenges you to create symmetrical U shapes out of rods and find their areas.
problem Rearranged Rectangle Age 7 to 11 Challenge level How many different rectangles can you make using this set of rods?