problem A jar of teddies Age 7 to 14 Challenge level How many teddies are in the jar? How many teddies could you fit in your classroom?
problem Colourful Cube Age 11 to 14 Challenge level A colourful cube is made from little red and yellow cubes. But can you work out how many of each?
problem Compare the Cups Age 5 to 7 Challenge level You'll need a collection of cups for this activity.
problem Finding Out! Age 7 to 11 Challenge level Explore all aspects of measurement in this activity.
problem Bottles (2) Age 5 to 7 Challenge level In this activity focusing on capacity, you will need a collection of different jars and bottles.
problem Bottles (1) Age 5 to 7 Challenge level For this activity which explores capacity, you will need to collect some bottles and jars.
problem Chocolate cake Age 11 to 14 Challenge level If I don't have the size of cake tin specified in my recipe, will the size I do have be OK?
problem Changing areas, changing volumes Age 11 to 14 Challenge level How can you change the surface area of a cuboid but keep its volume the same? How can you change the volume but keep the surface area the same?
problem Cylinder Cutting Age 7 to 11 Challenge level An activity for high-attaining learners which involves making a new cylinder from a cardboard tube.
problem Fill Me Up Too Age 14 to 16 Challenge level In Fill Me Up we invited you to sketch graphs as vessels are filled with water. Can you work out the equations of the graphs?