A paradox is a statement that seems to be both untrue and true at the same time. This article looks at a few examples and challenges you to investigate them for yourself.
Eclipses of the sun
Mathematics has allowed us now to measure lots of things about eclipses and so calculate exactly when they will happen, where they can be seen from, and what they will look like.
On what day did it happen?
Read this article to find out the mathematical method for working out what day of the week each particular date fell on back as far as 1700.
Calendars were one of the earliest calculating devices developed by civilizations. Find out about the Mayan calendar in this article.
The new millennium: when did it begin?
Not everybody agreed that the Third Millennium actually began on January 1st 2000. Find out why by reading this brief article.
April fool is past and gone, you're the fool for carrying on!
Read about the history behind April Fool's Day.
A history of astronomy
Astronomy grew out of problems that the early civilisations had. They needed to solve problems relating to time and distance - both mathematical topics.
On time?
This article explains how Greenwich Mean Time was established and in fact, why Greenwich in London was chosen as the standard.