ReflectoR ! RotcelfeR
Can you place the blocks so that you see the reflection in the picture?
It's times again
Which way of flipping over and/or turning this grid will give you the highest total? You'll need to imagine where the numbers will go in this tricky task! -
So it's times!
How will you decide which way of flipping over and/or turning the grid will give you the highest total?
Building with longer rods
A challenging activity focusing on finding all possible ways of stacking rods. -
Attractive tablecloths
Charlie likes tablecloths that use as many colours as possible, but insists that his tablecloths have some symmetry. Can you work out how many colours he needs for different tablecloth designs? -
Reading from behind
Can you find the time between 3 o'clock and 10 o'clock when my digital clock looks the same from both the front and back? -