Number bases
Phew i'm factored
Explore the factors of the numbers which are written as 10101 in
different number bases. Prove that the numbers 10201, 11011 and
10101 are composite in any base.
Learn about number bases
We are used to writing numbers in base ten, using 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Eg. 75 means 7 tens and five units. This article explains how numbers can be written in any number base.
The knapsack problem and public key cryptography
An example of a simple Public Key code, called the Knapsack Code is
described in this article, alongside some information on its
origins. A knowledge of modular arithmetic is useful.
A story about absolutely nothing
This article for the young and old talks about the origins of our number system and the important role zero has to play in it.