
  • Placeholder: several colourful numbers

    Early encounters with infinity

    This article is one parent's story describing his young son's exploration, and growing understanding, of infinity.
  • Odds, Evens and More Evens

    Odds, evens and more evens

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star

    Alison, Bernard and Charlie have been exploring sequences of odd and even numbers, which raise some intriguing questions...

  • Diminishing Returns

    Diminishing returns

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    How much of the square is coloured blue? How will the pattern continue?
  • Route to infinity

    Route to infinity

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    Can you describe this route to infinity? Where will the arrows take you next?
  • How long is the Cantor Set?

    How long is the Cantor set?

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star

    Take a line segment of length 1. Remove the middle third. Remove the middle thirds of what you have left. Repeat infinitely many times, and you have the Cantor Set. Can you find its length?

  • The Cantor Set

    The Cantor set

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star

    Take a line segment of length 1. Remove the middle third. Remove the middle thirds of what you have left. Repeat infinitely many times, and you have the Cantor Set. Can you picture it?

  • Hilbert's Hotel

    Hilbert's hotel

    Hilbert's Hotel has an infinite number of rooms, and yet, even when it's full, it can still fit more people in!
  • All about Infinity

    All about infinity

    Infinity is not a number, and trying to treat it as one tends to be a pretty bad idea. At best you're likely to come away with a headache, at worse the firm belief that 1 = 0. This article discusses the different types of infinity.