How long is the Cantor set?
Take a line segment of length 1. Remove the middle third. Remove the middle thirds of what you have left. Repeat infinitely many times, and you have the Cantor Set. Can you find its length?
In the problem The Cantor Set, we met the Cantor set, which is the limit of $C_n$ as $n$ tends to infinity.

We can talk about the length of one of our sets $C_n$.
The set $C_1$ has length 1.
The set $C_2$ has length $\frac{2}{3}$, as this is the total length of the line segments in $C_2$.
What are the lengths of $C_3$, $C_4$ and $C_5$?
Can you find a general expression for the length of $C_n$?
By considering what happens as $n$ tends to infinity, can you find the length of the Cantor set?
Getting Started
If you haven't tried it already, you are strongly encouraged to tackle the problem The Cantor Set before you try this problem.
Student Solutions
Gregory from Magnus C of E School in Nottingham and Luke from St Patrick's School reasoned correctly. Here is Luke's explanation:
The length of $C_{n+1}$ is simply two thirds of the length of $C_n$,
as $C_{n+1}$ is purely $C_n$ with the middle thirds removed.
Now taking $L_n$ to be the length of $C_n$:
$L_2$ = $\frac{2}{3}$,
$L_3$ = $\frac{4}{9}$,
$L_4$ = $\frac{8}{27}$ etc. etc.
It's obvious that $L_n$ = $\left(\frac{2}{3}\right)^{n-1}$.
So as n tends to infinity, $L_n$ gets increasingly smaller, i.e. tends to zero.
Therefore the length of the Cantor set is zero. In fact, the Cantor set is a set of points, because endpoints of line segments will never be removed, only middle thirds.
And as Euclid said, 'A point is that which has no part', i.e. a point has zero length, zero width and zero height.
Well done to you all.
Teachers' Resources
See the Notes for the problem The Cantor Set .
The Cantor set is also an example of a mathematical object called a fractal . Fractals and some of their properties are explored in the NRICH problems Squareflake , Sierpinski Triangle and Von Koch Curve .