problem Where are you flying? Age 14 to 18 Challenge level Where do people fly to from London? What is good and bad about these representations?
problem One variable, two variable, three variable, more Age 14 to 18 Challenge level Displaying one-variable and two-variable data can be straightforward; what about three or more?
problem Olympic logic Age 11 to 16 Challenge level Can you use your powers of logic and deduction to work out the missing information in these sporty situations?
problem Secondary cipher challenge part 1 Age 11 to 16 Challenge level Here is the start of a six-part challenge. Can you get to the end and crack the final message?
problem The wrong stats Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Why MUST these statistical statements probably be at least a little bit wrong?
problem Discussing risk and reward Age 16 to 18 Challenge level 10 starting points for risk vs reward
problem Winning team Age 11 to 14 Challenge level Nine cross country runners compete in a team competition in which there are three matches. If you were a judge how would you decide who would win?
problem Inspector morse Age 11 to 14 Challenge level You may like to read the article on Morse code before attempting this question. Morse's letter analysis was done over 150 years ago, so might there be a better allocation of symbols today?
problem Data matching Age 14 to 18 Challenge level Use your skill and judgement to match the sets of random data.
problem Shifting average Age 11 to 14 Challenge level What happens to the average if you subtract 8 from all of the numbers?