Enlargements and scale factors
Poly plug pattern
Create a pattern on the small grid. How could you extend your pattern on the larger grid?
Fill me up too
In Fill Me Up we invited you to sketch graphs as vessels are filled with water. Can you work out the equations of the graphs?
L triominoes can fit together to make larger versions of themselves. Is every size possible to make in this way? -
Growing rectangles
What happens to the area and volume of 2D and 3D shapes when you enlarge them? -
Scaling clowns
These five clowns work in pairs. What is the same and what is different about each pair's faces? -
Arrow arithmetic 1
The first part of an investigation into how to represent numbers using geometric transformations that ultimately leads us to discover numbers not on the number line. -
The rescaled map
We use statistics to give ourselves an informed view on a subject of interest. This problem explores how to scale countries on a map to represent characteristics other than land area.