problem Favourite It's only a minus sign Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Solve these differential equations to see how a minus sign can change the answer
problem Favourite Differential equation matcher Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Match the descriptions of physical processes to these differential equations.
problem Favourite Taking trigonometry series-ly Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Look at the advanced way of viewing sin and cos through their power series.
problem Favourite The not-so-simple pendulum 1 Age 16 to 18 Challenge level See how the motion of the simple pendulum is not-so-simple after all.
problem Favourite The not-so-simple pendulum 2 Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Things are roughened up and friction is now added to the approximate simple pendulum
problem Bird-brained Age 16 to 18 Challenge level How many eggs should a bird lay to maximise the number of chicks that will hatch? An introduction to optimisation.
problem What's my equation? Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Can you find the differential equations giving rise to these famous solutions?
problem A different differential equation Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Explore the properties of this different sort of differential equation.
problem Earth orbit Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Follow in the steps of Newton and find the path that the earth follows around the sun.
problem Reaction rates Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Explore the possibilities for reaction rates versus concentrations with this non-linear differential equation