Solving Together is an exciting project, originally funded by Nesta and Tata, aiming to promote parental engagement with mathematics.
This project offers family-friendly homework activities for upper Primary and lower Secondary students.
Parents and carers are encouraged to watch our Guidance for Parents video, which offers useful advice on how to support students' mathematical thinking at home.
The Guidance for Teachers explains the thinking behind this project, and offers suggestions for how to follow up the homework activities in class.

Solving together - guidance for parents

Solving together - guidance for teachers

Solving together - Got it!
Week 1
Can you find a winning strategy to beat the computer and be the first to 23?

Solving together - estimating angles
Week 2
How well can you estimate angles? Playing this game could improve your skills.

Solving together - Square it
Week 4
Take it in turn to choose a dot. Can you be the first to make a square?

Solving together - combining lengths
Week 6
Choose a set of three rods. How many different lengths can you make?