Multiplication square

Pick a square within a multiplication square and add the numbers on each diagonal. What do you notice?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative

Multiplicaton Square printable sheet - problem

Multiplication Square printable sheet - grid

Take a look at the multiplication square below:

Multiplication square

Pick any 2 by 2 square and add the numbers on each diagonal.

For example, if you take:



Multiplication square

the numbers along one diagonal add up to $77$ ($32 + 45$)

and the numbers along the other diagonal add up to $76$ ($36 + 40$).

Try a few more examples.

What do you notice?

Can you show (prove) that this will always be true?

Now pick any 3 by 3 square and add the numbers on each diagonal.

For example, if you take:





Multiplication square

the numbers along one diagonal add up to $275$ ($72 + 91 + 112$)

and the numbers along the other diagonal add up to $271$ ($84 + 91 + 96$).

Try a few more examples.

What do you notice this time?

Can you show (prove) that this will always be true?

Now pick any 4 by 4 square and add the numbers on each diagonal.

For example, if you take:





Multiplication square

the numbers along one diagonal add up to $176$ ($24 + 36 + 50 + 66$)

and the numbers along the other diagonal add up to $166$ ($33 + 40 + 45 + 48$).

Try a few more examples.

What do you notice now?

Can you show (prove) that this will always be true?

Can you predict what will happen if you pick a 5 by 5 square, a 6 by 6 square ... an n by n square, and add the numbers on each diagonal?

Can you prove your prediction?

Click here for a poster of this problem.