If you can get your head round vectors and the sort of techniques that can be applied, it will help you to tackle not just vector questions but also mechanics and geometry problems.
Solving problems with vectors
This brief article offers advice for solving problems involving vectors.
Cross with the scalar product
Explore the meaning of the scalar and vector cross products and see how the two are related.
Square pair
Explore the shape of a square after it is transformed by the action of a matrix.
Multiplication of vectors
An account of multiplication of vectors, both scalar products and
vector products.
STEP questions involving vectors
A selection of STEP questions, including some worked examples, on Vectors
Prepare for university - pure mathematics
Helpful preparation for those intending to study a course involving pure mathematics at university.
Prepare for university - applied mathematics
Helpful preparation for university for those intending to study a
course involving applied mathematics at university.
NRICH and Olympiads
A useful entry point into the NRICH site for those students interested in Mathematical Olympiad problems or the Maths Challenges.