When we meet something for the first time, we are curious to know more. We hope that the new ideas or new situations that you meet in these activities will hook you in by stirring your sense of wonder.

One big triangle
Make one big triangle so the numbers that touch on the small triangles add to 10.

If the world were a village
This activity is based on data in the book 'If the World Were a Village'. How will you represent your chosen data for maximum effect?

Possible pieces
Can you create jigsaw pieces which are based on a square shape, with at least one peg and one hole?

Little man
The Man is much smaller than us. Can you use the picture of him next to a mug to estimate his height and how much tea he drinks?

What does the overlap of these two shapes look like? Try picturing it in your head and then use some cut-out shapes to test your prediction.

Bundles of cubes
Watch this animation. What do you notice? What happens when you try more or fewer cubes in a bundle?

Take a fresh look
These problems invite you to look again at ideas you may think you know inside-out.