These hands-on problem solving activities have been used in our Maths Roadshow, and may be of interest to teachers wanting to run similar maths events, maths clubs, open evenings or family-friendly maths events.
Most of the resources include a link to a printable sheet (either at the top or bottom of the page), along with teachers' resources, which offer some guidance on how the activity can be used with students. Many of the activites require some sort of equipment, mostly dice, counters or multilink, so you might find this equipment list helpful.

If you have access to computers or tablets, you may find these interactive tasks useful:
Primary interactive tasks
Secondary interactive tasks
You may also find suitable resources which focus on developing key mathematical skills in the following collections:
Be a Mathematician (Primary)
Thinking Mathematically (Secondary)
You may also find suitable resources which focus on developing mathematical mindsets in the following collections:
Primary mathematical mindsets
Secondary mathematical mindsets