Inside triangles
How many different triangles can you draw which each have one dot in the middle?

Jig shapes
Can you each work out what shape you have part of on your card? What will the rest of it look like?

Poly plug rectangles
The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?

Seeing squares
Players take it in turns to choose a dot on the grid. The winner is the first to have four dots that can be joined to form a square.

Square corners
What is the greatest number of counters you can place on the grid below without four of them lying at the corners of a square?

Nine-pin triangles
How many different triangles can you make on a circular pegboard that has nine pegs?

Brush loads
How can you arrange the 5 cubes so that you need the smallest number of Brush Loads of paint to cover them? Try with other numbers of cubes as well.

Stringy quads
This practical problem challenges you to make quadrilaterals with a loop of string. You'll need some friends to help!