This group of tasks, which are part of our Jaunts into Geometry Feature, will help you support the geometry curriculum using a problem-solving approach.

Turning man
Use the interactivity to find out how many quarter turns the man must rotate through to look like each of the pictures.

Repeating patterns
Try continuing these patterns made from triangles. Can you create your own repeating pattern?

Treasure hunt
Can you find a reliable strategy for choosing coordinates that will locate the treasure in the minimum number of guesses?

Shapes on the playground
Sally and Ben were drawing shapes in chalk on the school playground. Can you work out what shapes each of them drew using the clues?

Cut nets
Each of the nets of nine solid shapes has been cut into two pieces. Can you see which pieces go together?

Eight hidden squares
On the graph there are 28 marked points. These points all mark the vertices (corners) of eight hidden squares. Can you find the eight hidden squares?

Olympic turns
This task looks at the different turns involved in different Olympic sports as a way of exploring the mathematics of turns and angles.