Liz was a primary school teacher in north London before joining the NRICH team. Liz's role as Primary Coordinator involves working as part of a team to develop primary-level materials for the website and to run associated teacher professional development. Liz is a member of the joint MA ATM primary expert group.

Charlie Gilderdale
Secondary Coordinator
Charlie has taught mathematics in three local secondary schools, including a stint as a Head of Department. During the last 30 years he has worked at the University of Cambridge, initially in the Faculty of Education training new secondary mathematics teachers, and more recently as a member of the Millennium Mathematics Project, contributing to the NRICH website and working in schools with students and teachers. His recent work has focussed on problem solving and on creating opportunities for learning mathematics through exploration and discussion. He has developed resources for secondary teachers which aim to enrich the secondary school curriculum and resources for secondary students which challenge them to think mathematically.

Dr Sue Gifford
Early Years Consultant
Sue works with training and practising teachers at the University of Roehampton. Previously a London primary teacher, she researches early years mathematics education and children with mathematics difficulties. She is chair of the British Society for Research into the Learning of Mathematics, is a founding member of the Early Childhood Maths Group as well as being early years advisor for NRICH. Her publications include Teaching mathematics 3 to 5: developing learning in the Foundation Stage and the Nuffield project 'Making Numbers: using manipulatives in the teaching of arithmetic'. She is currently working with teachers on developing pattern awareness with three to five year olds.

Oscar Gillespie
Web Application Developer
Oscar joined NRICH in 2018 and builds HTML5 interactives for this website. He worked for Douglas Adams in his first job, spent 16 years in the games industry, worked in solar energy and served as a local politician for a while, and worked in technology for chemistry education, then literature education, before landing very happily in the world of maths. He is particularly interested in accessibility, cellular automata and board games.
Dane Rossenrode
Website Developer
Dane is our newest member of the team. He's been running his own small website design and development agency for the past few years, though has always wanted to work with a team like MMP. Dane's from beautiful Cape Town, South Africa, and loves playing sports like squash, judo, and climbing. He studied Business Science at the University of Cape Town, and has been in the UK since Autumn 2022. If you ever have a question about websites, he'll be very keen to answer it and chat further.

Claire Metcalfe
Claire runs the STEP Support Programme and provides support through online resources and webinars to students applying to study Maths at university. She is also a Bye-Fellow at Lucy Cavendish college where she supervises first year students,
In addition to the above, Claire edits and develops new NRICH Post-16 problems.
In her spare time Claire spends as much time outdoors as possible and enjoys cani-cross, dog agility training and horseriding.

Clare Fanthorpe
Clare taught Maths and Further Maths A-levels for two years before joining NRICH in 2015. She continued to teach part-time, initially maths to sixth formers in London, and then English to adults in Portugal and Italy. She also learnt to code and turned her hand to data science, allowing her to contribute to some research into agriculture and to work in medical imaging. Now, when she's not editing and publishing student solutions, Clare teaches data science to apprentices and other adult learners. She is also the treasurer of the housing cooperative she lives in, where she looks after the garden and the trees.

Jenny Gallagher
Jenny joined NRICH in 2012 when she was a maths undergraduate at Cambridge University, and she spent a few summers working with the primary team while she finished her degree and PGCE, and during her work as a primary school teacher. Since leaving teaching, Jenny has worked for NRICH part-time alongside private tutoring and alternative provision tutoring, where she teaches children who are currently out of school. Jenny writes and edits NRICH tasks, as well as publishing the primary student solutions.

Lizzie Kimber
Lizzie has taught maths at schools and universities and has also worked on several curriculum projects, including Underground Mathematics. She has been involved in mathematics outreach for many years, including Ri Mathematics Masterclasses and running summer schools for the UK Mathematics Trust. She combines working for NRICH with researching mathematics classroom language and teaching part-time on the Secondary Mathematics PGCE at University of Oxford. Lizzie works on the mathematical thinking tagging work for NRICH secondary tasks and publishes solutions.