Are you ready to enter the matrix? In this feature you will discover how matrices can be multiplied, explore how they can be used to represent transformations, use them to model probability problems and explore four dimensional numbers.

STEP on up
In this feature there are 4 problems based on STEP questions, all of which involve number theory.

Trigonometry feature
In this feature we are exploring and proving some results about tetrahedrons.

A quartet of tetrahedra
In this feature we are exploring and proving some results about tetrahedrons.

Symmetry, substitutions and surprises
In this feature you will be challenged to derive elegant and efficient solutions to problems which, at first sight, might seem very difficult.

To iff or not to iff?
This feature will introduce the symbols $\implies$ and $\iff$ and challenge you to reason logically and create true statements using these symbols.

The art of deduction
The problems in this feature offer you the chance to explore geometrical properties, and then challenge you to create clear, rigorous proofs.

Sums, squares and substantiation
The problems in this feature challenge you to create convincing arguments or "proofs", and to identify where the logic breaks down in some "dodgy proofs".

Maths and climate change
The problems in this feature will allow you to explore the impact of lifestyle choices and help you gain a better understanding of the contributors to global emissions.

Graph theory and networks
The resources in this feature have been designed to give you an introduction to the world of graph theory and networks, and to their applications.

Planning ahead
This collection of activities offers you a variety of playful contexts in which you will be challenged to plan ahead and analyse the outcomes.

Can you plan strategically?
This collection of activities offers you a variety of playful contexts in which you will be challenged to plan ahead and analyse the outcomes.

Modular arithmetic
Enter the world of modular arithmetic and discover the secrets of public key cryptography.

Some problems in number theory
Number theory is a rich source of interesting problems which can lead to surprising results.

Curve sketching feature
Curve sketching can be a very useful tool when you are solving equations or inequalities.

Identifying trigonometry
These CMEP resources explore the use of trigonometric identities and other trig features

Graphs and networks
Be playful with graphs and networks, and see what theorems you can discover!

Curvy calculus
These resources from CMEP explore some aspects of differentiation and integration

Transforming ideas
In this feature, explore what happens to functions when you transform their graphs

Plotting graphs
You can get a great feel for functions by sketching their graphs or using graph plotting software...

Making sense of data
What stories do complicated data sets tell us? How can we present the information clearly?

How powers behave
When numbers are raised to different powers, there are lots of properties you can explore.

Visualising and representing complex numbers
What are complex numbers, and how can we represent them?

Integration as area
These problems invite you to explore integration as area, and use area integrals to solve problems.

The value of working systematically
These problems are best solved using systematic approaches.

Making sense of statistics
This collection of problems has been put together to help you to explore and understand important ideas in statistics.

Sequences and series
Sequences are everywhere in mathematics! In these problems you can explore some sequences, learn how to represent them, and how to calculate sums of series.