Matching fractions, decimals and percentages
Can you match pairs of fractions, decimals and percentages, and beat your previous scores?

Doughnut percents
A task involving the equivalence between fractions, percentages and decimals which depends on members of the group noticing the needs of others and responding.

Fractions and percentages card game
Can you find the pairs that represent the same amount of money?

Terminating or not
Is there a quick way to work out whether a fraction terminates or recurs when you write it as a decimal?

Peaches today, peaches tomorrow...
A monkey with peaches, keeps a fraction of them each day, gives the rest away, and then eats one. How long can his peaches last?

Ben's game
Ben, Jack and Emma passed counters to each other and ended with the same number of counters. How many did they start with?

A chance to win?
Imagine you were given the chance to win some money... and imagine
you had nothing to lose...