Olympic Logic

from nrich.maths.org/8073

These four problems require some logical thinking and a willingness to work systematically.

Can you deduce the missing information in each sporty situation?
Perhaps you might develop techniques in one that will help you to solve another.


1. Medals Count

Given the following clues, can you work out the number of gold, silver and bronze medals that France, Italy and Japan got in this international sports competition?


2. Football Champ

Three teams A, B and C have each played two matches.

Three points are given for a win and one point to each team for a draw.

The table below gives the total number of points and goals scored for and against each team.

Fill in the table and find the scores in each match.



 Teams Games Played  Won  Drawn  Lost Goals For Goals Against  Points
A 2       5 3 3
B 2       2   1
C 2       3 2 4



 3. Fencing Tournament

Alice, Becky, Charlotte, Daphne, Elsie and Fran decide to compete in a fencing tournament. Each competitor has to fence against every other competitor. A match results in either a win or a loss. 

Can you deduce what all of the results were?


4. Hockey

In a hockey competition, four teams were to play each other once. 2 points were awarded for a win, and 1 point for a draw.

After some of the matches were played, most of the information in the results table was accidentally deleted.



Team Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Points
A         4 4  
B         5   5
C   0       4 2
D         0 3 0

Can you work out the score in each match played?