Part 3: Everybody is different

Julia refines our model, and the interactivity offers a chance to simulate the outbreak of an infectious disease, recognising that not everyone is the same.

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


This problem belongs to the Contagious Maths: Understanding the Spread of Infectious Diseases collection. It follows on from Build your first model and Lucky Dip.


How could we take our model further?

In this video clip, Professor Julia Gog introduces the idea of how people can differ in how they are connected to others.
The number of people that infected people will go on to infect will vary.
How will this affect the epidemic?
You can test your ideas by revisiting the Lucky Dip interactivity, and setting R on the interactivity to 'Random 0 to 5' (you can do this by clicking on the purple cog in the top right). 
Are the shapes of these graphs any different to the previous ones?

If we're not all the same, what is R?

In this video clip, Julia asks us to consider what R could mean if we are all different.
Once you've had a chance to think about Julia's question, watch the follow-up video in which she answers her question.

In this video clip, Julia explains that R represents an average value across the whole population.

R applies to the whole population.  The official definition that researchers use is this: R is the average (ie, the mean) number of people that one infected person goes on to infect. 

The Everybody is Different interactivity

The 'Everybody is Different' interactivity below enables you to simulate the outbreak of an infectious disease, recognising that not everyone is the same. Before you get started, it's helpful to know the following information:

Circles represent different people who are susceptible to infection. The colours represent different numbers of nearby people that they could go on to infect (also given by the number displayed on the icons):

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    Part 3: Everybody is different

     0 contacts (very cautious!)

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    Part 3: Everybody is different

     1 contact

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    Part 3: Everybody is different

     2 contacts

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    Part 3: Everybody is different

     5 contacts (super-spreaders!)

And different shapes represent people who are infected, recovered or immunised:

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    Part 3: Everybody is different

     are infected and might infect others

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    Part 3: Everybody is different

     have recovered from infection and are now immune

  • Image
    Part 3: Everybody is different

     are people that you have chosen to immunise (see below), so are also immune

To run your first simulation, click the "Infect a random person" button

You'll see that one person has turned red, it means they have been infected and are liable to spread the disease to people near them.

What do you think will happen next? Can you justify your answer?

You can now investigate whether you were correct, by either watching the epidemic progress one generation at a time, by clicking on the 'Run a generation' tab, or letting it run its course and seeing the outcome, by clicking on 'Run to the end'. Note that when someone turns purple, it means they have recovered from the disease and are immune to it.

Explore the interactivity by infecting random or selected individuals, immunising selected individuals, and varying the value of R.

  • You can use the R slider to change the average R value across the population.
  • If you click on a person (or more) you can choose to infect or immunise them.
  • Or if they are already immune you can decide to make them vulnerable again.

Notice if you change R, the mix of different colours changes to make up the right value for the mean.

Can you anticipate what will happen?


When the model has finished, use the Graph button to view a graph of the whole infection from start to finish. Is it similar to the shape of the graphs in Lucky Dip?


What does the value of R tell us?


In this video clip, Julia explains why R is important to understanding epidemics, particularly whether R is greater than or less than 1.

What else do you think should be taken into account in order to improve the model?


This concludes Part 3. These resources continue with Part 4: Get Moving!, which will introduce models where the population moves about. Alternatively, if you are finishing here, you make like to continue to Wrap up and Meet the Researchers.


How schools can use these resources

In the Teachers' Resources section you will find suggestions as to how this material might be used in the classroom.

This is the third of four parts, designed to be used in a sequence of lessons - here is a lesson by lesson breakdown.



These Contagious Maths resources were developed and written by Julia Gog and the MMP team, including both NRICH and Plus, and funded by the Royal Society’s Rosalind Franklin Award 2020. We have tailored these resources for ages 11-14 on NRICH, and for older students and wider audiences on Plus.