
From competitive to collaborative

These games can all be played in the same way. Start off with the competitive version - play against someone else and try to find some strategies for winning. Once you have played lots of times and have a really good 'feel' for the game, have a go at the collaborative challenge in each one.

Working with another person gives you the chance to bounce ideas off each other and try things out together, and having to persuade someone else that your ideas are worth investigating means you will be practising your mathematical reasoning. 

As a whole group, these games will give you opportunities to work on all five key ingredients that make a successful mathematician: understanding, skills, problem solving, reasoning and attitude. In particular, the collaborative versions will definitely give you the chance to build your resilience and therefore your positive attitude to maths. To find out more about the five ingredients and suggestions about how you can reflect on becoming a better mathematician, take a look at our short article What Makes a Good Mathematician?.

Less is More

Less is more

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Use your knowledge of place value to try to win this game. How will you maximise your score?
Factors and Multiples Game

Factors and multiples game

7 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

A game in which players take it in turns to choose a number. Can you block your opponent?

Strike it out

Strike it out

5 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.