These activities are part of our Primary collections, which are problems grouped by topic.

Matching triangles
Can you sort these triangles into three different families and explain how you did it?

Inside triangles
How many different triangles can you draw which each have one dot in the middle?

Triple cubes
This challenge involves eight three-cube models made from interlocking cubes. Investigate different ways of putting the models together then compare your constructions.

Poly plug rectangles
The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?

Data shapes
Sara and Will were sorting some pictures of shapes on cards. "I'll collect the circles," said Sara. "I'll take the red ones," answered Will. Can you see any cards they would both want?

Paper patchwork 1
Can you work out what shape is made when this piece of paper is folded up using the crease pattern shown?

Paper patchwork 2
Have a go at making a few of these shapes from paper in different sizes. What patterns can you create?

Paper partners
Can you describe a piece of paper clearly enough for your partner to know which piece it is?

Let's investigate triangles
Vincent and Tara are making triangles with the class construction set. They have a pile of strips of different lengths. How many different triangles can they make?

Building with solid shapes
We have a box of cubes, triangular prisms, cones, cuboids, cylinders and tetrahedrons. Which of the buildings would fall down if we tried to make them?

Skeleton shapes
How many balls of modelling clay and how many straws does it take to make these skeleton shapes?

School fair necklaces

Colouring triangles
Explore ways of colouring this set of triangles. Can you make symmetrical patterns?

Chain of changes
Arrange the shapes in a line so that you change either colour or shape in the next piece along. Can you find several ways to start with a blue triangle and end with a red circle?

Cubes cut into four pieces
Eight children each had a cube made from modelling clay. They cut them into four pieces which were all exactly the same shape and size. Whose pieces are the same? Can you decide who made each set?