
The problem with problem solving

The focus of this feature is to show that every lesson can be a problem solving lesson. In planning for problem solving there are several areas to consider:

1. The type of problem you want to focus on

2. The problem-solving strategy or skill you wish the children to develop

3. The NRICH four stage problem-solving process

This feature offers ideas on all of these aspects and also links different NRICH activities to each.

There are also plenty more activities linked to the Curriculum Mapping Documents too.

What's the Problem with Problem Solving?

What's the problem with problem solving?

Becoming a mathematical problem solver really is the point of doing mathematics, so this article offers ideas and strategies to ensure that every lesson can be a problem solving lesson.


5 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star

Can you make five differently sized squares from the interactive tangram pieces?

Same Length Trains

Same length trains

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
How many trains can you make which are the same length as Matt's and Katie's, using rods that are identical?
Find the Difference

Find the difference

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Place the numbers 1 to 6 in the circles so that each number is the difference between the two numbers just below it.
How would we count?

How would we count?

5 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

An activity centred around observations of dots and how we visualise number arrangement patterns.

Build it up

Build it up

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Can you find all the ways to get 15 at the top of this triangle of numbers? Many opportunities to work in different ways.
Zios and Zepts

Zios and Zepts

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

On the planet Vuv there are two sorts of creatures. The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs. The great planetary explorer Nico counted 52 legs. How many Zios and how many Zepts were there?


Teddy Town - part five

5 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star

There are thirty six teddies in Teddy Town - six red, six blue, six yellow, six green, six purple and six turquoise. There are also thirty six houses, six of each colour. Can you put them on the map of Teddy Town according to the rules?

Tea Cups

Tea cups

7 to 14
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
Place the 16 different combinations of cup/saucer in this 4 by 4 arrangement so that no row or column contains more than one cup or saucer of the same colour.