Finding factors
Can you find the hidden factors which multiply together to produce each quadratic expression?

CD Heaven
All CD Heaven stores were given the same number of a popular CD to sell for £24. In their two week sale each store reduces the price of the CD by 25% ... How many CDs did the store sell at each price?

There is a particular value of x, and a value of y to go with it, which make all five expressions equal in value, can you find that x, y pair ?

LCM Sudoku
Here is a Sudoku with a difference! Use information about lowest common multiples to help you solve it.

Partly painted cube
Jo made a cube from some smaller cubes, painted some of the faces of the large cube, and then took it apart again. 45 small cubes had no paint on them at all. How many small cubes did Jo use?

Training schedule
The heptathlon is an athletics competition consisting of 7 events. Can you make sense of the scoring system in order to advise a heptathlete on the best way to reach her target?