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13 November 2019 Webinar for Students Age 9-13

Date: Wednesday 13 November 2019
Times: 10am UTC

Location: ANYWHERE! (as long as you have internet access)

Who: Students aged 9 - 13 and their teachers

What: Collaborative mathematical problem solving led by members of the NRICH team

Sounds good? Read on.

Following the success of our webinars in December 2018 and June 2019, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting another event on 13 November as part of Maths Week England. If your students didn't take part in the June webinar you can find more about it and watch the recording here.

As before, we will introduce problems and invite students to work on them for between 5 and 10 minutes. During this time, teachers can comment online to ask questions on behalf of their class, or share any ideas that have arisen in their classroom. There will also be an opportunity for classes to upload photos of their work.

Once everyone has had a chance to engage with each problem, the NRICH team will showcase the work that has been sent in, and we will suggest next steps for investigation based on students' ideas. For the rest of the webinar, we will alternate between thinking time and discussion time, bringing all ideas together at the end of the session.

Suggested classroom setup

We suggest teachers set up a computer and a projector to display the live feed to the whole class, who can work on the problem in small groups while the class teacher submits any comments or photos of student work to NRICH. 

Students will need pen and paper, or whiteboards. It may be appropriate for some students to have access to calculators.

As we will be using YouTube's streaming software, please check whether your school's systems allow YouTube to be shown.

The chat will be moderated to ensure no inappropriate comments remain visible, and student work will be shared using first names only in line with NRICH's policy.

On the day

Register now via the button below, and you will be sent a link to the webinar live stream page. On the day, the live stream, the chat facility and the uploading link for student work will all appear on that page.

Approximately five minutes before the webinar we will begin streaming a welcome slide so that you can check you can view the stream. Then after five minutes the webinar will begin with the NRICH team introducing the task. The webinar will last for approximately 1 hour, alternating between the NRICH team presenting and time for classes to work on the problem and send in their thoughts.

Can't make it that day?

Don't worry, we'll be uploading the video on the site after the event so everyone can watch it and have a go at the task in their own time. We will also be publishing the task as one of our Live Problems so students can submit their solutions.

How to get involved

Booking is now closed for this webinar. Sign up for our newsletter for information about future webinars.


Any questions?

Email the primary or secondary NRICH Team, or tweet us @nrichmaths.