problem Do you brush your teeth every day? Age 14 to 18 Challenge level How can we find out answers to questions like this if people often lie?
list Statistics - maths of real life Age 14 to 18 Challenge level This pilot collection of resources is designed to introduce key statistical ideas and help students to deepen their understanding.
problem Perception versus reality Age 14 to 18 Challenge level Infographics are a powerful way of communicating statistical information. Can you come up with your own?
problem Statistical shorts Age 11 to 16 Challenge level Can you decide whether these short statistical statements are always, sometimes or never true?
problem Reaction timer Age 11 to 14 Challenge level This problem offers you two ways to test reactions - use them to investigate your ideas about speeds of reaction.
problem In the bag Age 11 to 14 Challenge level Can you guess the colours of the 10 marbles in the bag? Can you develop an effective strategy for reaching 1000 points in the least number of rounds?
page Two classes working on Counting cogs Two video clips of classes organised into groups to work on Counting Cogs.
interactivity Introducing NRICH TWILGO We're excited about this new program for drawing beautiful mathematical designs. Can you work out how we made our first few pictures and, even better, share your most elegant solutions with us?