eyfs_activity The box game Age 3 to 5 In this game, children will use their addition and subtraction skills to keep track of the number of toys hidden inside a box when toys are added in or taken out.
eyfs_activity Show me Age 3 to 5 In this task, children will learn different ways of representing the same number.
eyfs_activity Owl's packing list Age 3 to 5 In this activity, children can practise reading numbers and counting items in order to help Owl pack for his holiday.
eyfs_activity Number talks Age 3 to 5 In this task, children have the opportunity to talk about what they see when they look at a number representation.
eyfs_activity Hidden jewels Age 3 to 5 In this 'hide and reveal' game, children are encouraged to say the number of gems without counting them.
article Subitising In this article for EY practitioners, Dr Sue Gifford outlines what we mean by subitising and how we can teach it.