Comparing and ordering numbers
Activities on the gattegno chart
In this article, Alf outlines six activities using the Gattegno chart, which help to develop understanding of place value, multiplication and division.
Dot card games
These games devised by Jenni Way use dot cards which will help children see the structure of numbers 1-6 and give them confidence as they begin to add and subtract these numbers.
Number sense series: a sense of 'ten' and place value
Once a basic number sense has developed for numbers up to ten, a
strong 'sense of ten' needs to be developed as a foundation for
both place value and mental calculations.
Calendar activities
Don't get rid of your old calendars! You can get a lot more
mathematical mileage out of them before they are thrown away. These
activities, using cut up dates from the calendar, provide numbers
to practise skills that may be in need of review after a holiday
Lucky numbers
This article for pupils explores what makes numbers special or lucky, and looks at the numbers that are all around us every day.