
Statistics curriculum mapping

This page contains our A-level statistics curriculum mapping document links. The problems are grouped at the module-level and typically involve a range of statistical concepts rather than a focus on a specific routine or single idea. Use of even a small number of these resources will greatly enhance the appreciation of the fascinating ideas involved in statistics.

Many of these statistics resources can be very effective when used asĀ  pre-module motivation to raise various statistical concepts or for post-module consolidation. Many can be approached at various levels of sophistication, so you may wish to return to various problems as your knowledge increases or to use them to stimulate discussion. The first link, statistical modelling, contains many of the best problems for these purposes.

If you wish to find some more straightforward tasks, you may find some useful starting points on the Handling Data section of the Stage 3 and 4 curriculum mapping document.
Statistical Tests

Statistical tests

16 to 18
Resources to support an advanced course of statistics
Risk and reward

Risk and reward

16 to 18
Resources to support an advanced course of statistics