These activities will encourage you to think flexibly about shape, position and movement (geometry).
'Thinking flexibly' could mean, for example, that you try another way when you get stuck. Perhaps you realise that a task can have more than one solution. Perhaps you check a solution using a different method; or perhaps you think flexibly to create a new problem like one you have just tried.
Board block
Repeating patterns
Jig shapes
Can you each work out what shape you have part of on your card? What will the rest of it look like?
Paper partners
Can you describe a piece of paper clearly enough for your partner to know which piece it is?
Tangram tangle
If you split the square into these two pieces, it is possible to fit the pieces together again to make a new shape. How many new shapes can you make?
Tangram browser
Always, sometimes or never? Shape
Are these statements always true, sometimes true or never true?
Guess what?
Stringy quads
This practical problem challenges you to make quadrilaterals with a loop of string. You'll need some friends to help!