In this feature, we bring together a range of paper-folding tasks, which offer opportunities for mathematical exploration. The article outlines how paper folding can help learners to deepen their understanding of geometry, to become more fluent with mathematical language, to persevere and become more curious about something they see.
Many of the tasks below are of a similar format whereby initially learners are challenged to visualise the shape they will get when they fold a piece of paper along the creases shown in a photo. They are then invited to make those shapes in different sizes, create a pattern and then arrange the patterns in different ways to make particular designs.
We hope you will be inspired to introduce your learners to the world of paper folding and look forward to receiving photos of their creations.
Many of the tasks below are of a similar format whereby initially learners are challenged to visualise the shape they will get when they fold a piece of paper along the creases shown in a photo. They are then invited to make those shapes in different sizes, create a pattern and then arrange the patterns in different ways to make particular designs.
We hope you will be inspired to introduce your learners to the world of paper folding and look forward to receiving photos of their creations.
Purposeful paper folding
In this article for primary teachers, Fran describes her passion for paper folding as a springboard for mathematics.
Paper partners
Can you describe a piece of paper clearly enough for your partner to know which piece it is?
Paper patchwork 1
Can you work out what shape is made when this piece of paper is folded up using the crease pattern shown?
Paper patchwork 2
Have a go at making a few of these shapes from paper in different sizes. What patterns can you create?
Folding flowers 1
Can you visualise what shape this piece of paper will make when it is folded?
Folding flowers 2
Make a flower design using the same shape made out of different sizes of paper.
Regular rings 1
Can you work out what shape is made by folding in this way? Why not create some patterns using this shape but in different sizes?