All you need to have a go at the tasks in this feature is plenty of paper, preferably in different colours.
Can you picture the shapes you'll get when you fold a piece of paper along the creases shown in the photos? Make those shapes in different sizes and then create a patchwork pattern.
We're looking forward to seeing your creations!
Can you picture the shapes you'll get when you fold a piece of paper along the creases shown in the photos? Make those shapes in different sizes and then create a patchwork pattern.
We're looking forward to seeing your creations!
Paper partners
Can you describe a piece of paper clearly enough for your partner to know which piece it is?
Paper patchwork 1
Can you work out what shape is made when this piece of paper is folded up using the crease pattern shown?
Paper patchwork 2
Have a go at making a few of these shapes from paper in different sizes. What patterns can you create?
Repeating patterns
Try continuing these patterns made from triangles. Can you create your own repeating pattern?
Exploded squares
This practical activity challenges you to create symmetrical designs by cutting a square into strips.