Basic page

PTI - ratio, proportion and rates of change

Below are links to resources for those who attended Alison's and Charlie's workshop.

For each of the problems, we considered the following key questions:

  • What strategies have you used?
  • Which strategies are most elegant / effective?
  • How can we move students on to use the most effective strategies?

Mixing Lemonade

Mixing Lemonade poster

Warmsnug Double Glazing


Fruit Basket Ratio and a GeoGebra version of Fruit Basket Ratio 

Printer Ink 

Don’t be late

Leg it

Late for work


All the problems are accompanied by Teachers’ Resources, which you might find useful.

Also of interest may be this Steve Mould section from the Festival of the Spoken Nerd comedy show about temperature outside an aeroplane

The NRICH Secondary Curriculum Mapping page contains a link to our Curriculum Mapping Document, where you will find many more of our favourite tasks, including problems on ‘Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change’ in the ‘Number’ section.

Links to resources to support teachers: