Round and round the circle

What happens if you join every second point on this circle? How about every third point? Try with different steps and see if you can predict what will happen.
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative

Round and Round the Circle printable sheet

I started with a clock without hands or lines showing the minutes (except for those where there is a number). The $12$ was replaced by a $0$ and the numbers placed outside the face.

Round and round the circle

I drew straight lines to join up the numbers.

I started by counting in ones and I got a $12$-gon (that is a $12$-sided polygon - if you like long words you can call it a dodecagon).

Round and round the circle

Then I drew straight lines counting round in $2$s. And I got ...?


Round and round the circle

Perhaps you could try without putting the numbers round the circles.


Round and round the circle

I tried $5$s (wow!) and $6$s (well!).

Each time I go on drawing lines until I get to the point where I first started.

Then I tried $7$s, $8$s, $9$s, $10$s, and $11$s.

Something interesting was happening.

Why don't you try it? What patterns do you notice emerging?

And what about counting round in $12$s?

Which shapes are the same? Can you think of a reason why?

Can you see a connection between the number in which you are counting around the circle and the number of sides in the shape you are making?