Robotic Rotations

How did the the rotation robot make these patterns?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative

Here is an interactivity that allows you to create rotation patterns.

Move the blue dots to create a shape and use the slider to choose an angle of rotation.

Once you've explored the interactivity, take a look at the patterns below and see if you can recreate them. If you like, you can print out the patterns.

Robotic Rotations
Robotic Rotations
Robotic Rotations
Robotic Rotations
Robotic Rotations
Robotic Rotations
Robotic Rotations
Robotic Rotations

How did you work out which angle to rotate by each time?

Robotic Rotations

To make this picture, Charlie drew a kite and then told the robot to rotate it through an angle of $144^{\circ}$.

Alison used an angle of $216^{\circ}$ and got exactly the same pattern!

What other angles could they have used?

Can the other patterns be made using more than one angle?

What is the link between the angle and the number of copies of the image in the pattern?