Playground snapshot
The image below is part of a piece of equipment found in the playground of a London school.
- What do you think it is used for?
- What is the shape of its base?
- How would you describe it to someone over the phone?
- Where was the sun, that created such strong shadows, in relation to the 3D structure?
Try to draw a picture of the whole structure from the information you have.
You might also like to make a model of it and shine a light onto it to reproduce all the shadows.
Getting Started
Student Solutions
Emma T., Gavin T. and Keenan L. all gave brief descriptions of the structure - I suppose the next question should be - how many rods of what lengths have been used to make this frame?
All of them identified the shape as a climbing frame. It has a hexagon shaped base with horizontal bars connected to vertical bars all like steps going upwards and no top. The sun is hitting it on the left side making the shadow fall onto the right.