Numbers or letters?

Which game offers you the best chance of winning?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Here are two games that you might play:

Game one

You have a bag of 26 tiles, each with a different letter of the alphabet.

You choose a tile, write down the letter, and put it back in the bag.

Then you choose a second tile, write down the letter, and put it back in the bag.

Then you choose a third tile.

If the three letters came out in strictly ascending alphabetical order, you win. Otherwise, you lose.

Game two

You roll a 10-sided dice three times, writing down the number that is shown each time. If the three numbers are in strictly ascending numerical order, you win. Otherwise, you lose.

Which game offers you the best chance of winning?