More marbles

I start with a red, a blue, a green and a yellow marble. I can trade any of my marbles for three others, one of each colour. Can I end up with exactly two marbles of each colour?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative

This problem follows on from Marbles

Suppose I start with four marbles, one of each colour red, blue, green and yellow.

More marbles

When I trade marbles I give away one marble of any colour and I receive one marble of each of the other three colours.

Can I trade marbles so that I will have exactly two marbles of each colour?

Can I have equal even numbers of each colour after a number of trades?

What about ending up with 5 marbles of each colour?

Is this possible and if so how many trades does it take?

Is it possible to end up with the same odd number of each colour for any odd number?