Making Moiré patterns

Moiré patterns are intriguing interference patterns. Create your own beautiful examples using LOGO!

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative







Moiré patterns are a type of interference pattern made when lines overlap.

Here are some examples of Moiré patterns:

Making Moiré Patterns


Making Moiré Patterns
Making Moiré Patterns
Making Moiré Patterns

These patterns were created using LOGO.

Can you work out which LOGO commands give rise to each pattern?


  • cs setpc 16 repeat 360 [fd 100 bk 100 rt 7 fd 25 bk 25 rt 5 fd 15 bk 15 rt 2] ht
  • cs setpc 2 repeat 90 [fd 100 bk 100 rt 3 fd 100 bk 100 rt 1] ht
  • cs setpc 13 repeat 360 [fd 100 bk 100 rt 7 fd 25 bk 25 rt 7 fd 10 bk 10 rt 7] ht
  • cs setpc 1 repeat 360[fd 200 rt 1 bk 200 rt 1] ht


If you are unfamiliar with LOGO, click below to see a glossary of the terms used above.

cs: clear screen

setpc: set pen colour

fd: move turtle forward a specified distance

bk: move turtle back a specified distance

rt: right turn through an angle in degrees

lt: left turn through an angle in degrees

st: show turtle

ht: hide turtle

Try making some Moiré patterns of your own. Make changes to your LOGO code and see the effects you can create.

What do you notice?

Send us your examples of Moiré patterns, together with the LOGO code you used to generate them.


Notes and Background

You can download free software for LOGO: FMSLogo for Windows, ACSLogo for Mac (user guide and tutorials).