Janine's conjecture
Janine noticed, while studying some cube numbers, that ``if you take three consecutive whole numbers and multiply them together and then add the middle number of the three, you get the middle number cubed''; e.g., 3, 4, 5 gives 3 x 4 x 5 + 4 = 64, which is a perfect cube. Does this always work? Can you prove or disprove this conjecture?
Student Solutions
Julia of Downe House School gave the neatest solution to this problem by substituting 'x-1', 'x', 'x+1' for the three consecutive numbers and giving the following statement of Janine's conjecture:
( x - 1) x ( x + 1) + x = x 3 .
This is Julia's proof:
( x - 1) ( x + 1) = x 2 -
( x 2 - 1) x = x 3
- x .
Therefore ( x - 1) x ( x + 1) +
x = x 3 .
So Janine's conjecture will always work whichever three consecutive
numbers are chosen.