Gamma city
Can you find the mode and median number of goals scored by Gamma City?
Gamma City have played fifteen games in their league.
The pie chart shows how many goals they scored in each of their matches.
Can you find the mode and median number of goals scored by Gamma City?
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The mode is the most common number of goals scored per match.
On the pie chart, this will be the 'fattest' wedge:

Mode number of goals = 0
The median is the middle value, when the data is in order. The pie charts begin from 0 goals, and the number of goals increases in an anticlockwise direction, so the pie chart shows the data in order.
After 180$^\circ$, the middle value is reached, so the wedge that the 180$^\circ$ line lands in is the median.

Median number of goals = 1