Cashing up

What is the most common coin in this shopkeeper's till?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



When you go into a shop, you might pay the shopkeeper with coins or notes. At the end of the day the shopkeeper has to look at the money in the till in order to count it up.

If the shop were in USA, the shopkeeper might find they have the following coins:

Fourteen 1¢ coins

Fifteen 5¢ coins

Twenty-eight 10¢ coins

Fourteen 25¢ coins

Twenty-four $1 coins

...and also a large number of dollar notes.

If the shop were in India, the shopkeeper might find they have the following notes:

Twelve ₹5 (rupee) notes

Thirty-two ₹10 notes

Eighteen ₹20 notes

Twenty-seven ₹50 notes

Four ₹100 notes

...and also a few rupee coins.

Which coin is the most common in the American shop?

Which note is the most common in the Indian shop?

The mathematical name for the most common item in a set of data is the 'mode'.

Can you think of a reason why the shopkeepers might be interested to know the modal number of coins?

You could search your room for collections of other things that can be sorted and then counted. You could then find the mode for them.