Cushion Ball

The shortest path between any two points on a snooker table is the straight line between them but what if the ball must bounce off one wall, or 2 walls, or 3 walls?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative

Cushion Ball


A standard English snooker table is 6' x 12'. We know that the shortest path between any two points on the table is given by the straight line between them. How do we figure out the shortest distance between two points if the ball must bounce off one wall? What if it must bounce off 2 walls? 3 walls?


If you want to try one yourself, let the bottom left hand corner of the pool table be the origin. Consider the case when the cue ball is at (5,5) and the target ball is at (10,2). Which wall gives the shortest path to the target?