What could it be?
In this calculation, the box represents a missing digit. What could the digit be? What would the solution be in each case?

Always, sometimes or never? KS1
Are these statements relating to calculation and properties of shapes always true, sometimes true or never true?

Share bears
Yasmin and Zach have some bears to share. Which numbers of bears can they share so that there are none left over?

Count the digits
In this investigation we are going to count the number of 1s, 2s, 3s etc in numbers. Can you predict what will happen?

What's happening?
Shapes are added to other shapes. Can you see what is happening? What is the rule?

Three squares
What is the greatest number of squares you can make by overlapping three squares?

Grouping goodies
Pat counts her sweets in different groups and both times she has some left over. How many sweets could she have had?