In this feature, we have chosen problems designed to promote a positive attitude to challenging mathematical situations. The article, Getting into and Staying in the Growth Zone is packed with information and advice on helping your students become less anxious and more resilient.
Getting into and staying in the growth zone
In this article for teachers, Clare Lee and Sue Johnston-Wilder explain how the Growth Zone model can help develop resilience in our learners.
Number lines in disguise
Some of the numbers have fallen off Becky's number line. Can you figure out what they were?
Shopping basket
The items in the shopping basket add and multiply to give the same amount. What could their prices be?
Same length
Construct two equilateral triangles on a straight line. There are two lengths that look the same - can you prove it?
Impossible picture?
Under what circumstances can you rearrange a big square to make three smaller squares?
Take a triangular number, multiply it by 8 and add 1. What is special about your answer? Can you prove it?
Developing students' resilience in secondary mathematics classrooms
Resources shared at Mathematical Resilience Conference, March 2017
Resilience and perseverance
This feature contains some tricky tasks that you will need to work hard at in order to succeed
Developing mathematical mindsets - Secondary teachers
These resources have been chosen to help secondary students develop mathematical mindsets.