This feature focuses on how children's solutions to NRICH tasks can themselves be used as a teaching resource.
The article outlines different ways that the published solutions on NRICH might enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics, and we have gathered together particular tasks and their accompanying children's solutions below, which might lend themselves to this focus.
The article outlines different ways that the published solutions on NRICH might enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics, and we have gathered together particular tasks and their accompanying children's solutions below, which might lend themselves to this focus.

Using NRICH solutions as a resource
In this article for primary teachers, we suggest ways in which children's solutions on the NRICH site can be used as a teaching resource in their own right.

Using NRICH solutions with your class
The published solutions to this group of tasks lend themselves to use in the classroom with children.

Using NRICH solutions with your colleagues
The solutions to these tasks could be used during a staff meeting to facilitate conversations about assessment.

Improving reasoning: analysing alternative approaches
In this article, Malcolm Swan describes a teaching approach designed to improve the quality of students' reasoning.