All the tasks will challenge learners to reason mathematically and some even involve taking part in their own Olympic events.
Can you do it too?
Try some throwing activities and see whether you can throw something as far as the Olympic hammer or discus throwers.
Half Time
The animals' sports day
One day five small animals in my garden were going to have a sports day. They decided to have a swimming race, a running race, a high jump and a long jump.
The Games' Medals
Olympic Starters
Look at some of the results from the Olympic Games in the past. How do you compare if you try some similar activities?
Going for Gold
Looking at the 2012 Olympic Medal table, can you see how the data is organised? Could the results be presented differently to give another nation the top place?
Now and Then
Have a look at the results for some events at past Olympic Games. Can you use these to predict the results at the next Olympics?
Match the Matches
Olympic Turns
This task looks at the different turns involved in different Olympic sports as a way of exploring the mathematics of turns and angles.
Games from around the world
Who can be the winner?
Olympic rings
Can you design your own version of the Olympic rings, using interlocking squares instead of circles?