These activities will help children develop a strong sense of number and are part of our Number Sense and Place Value Feature.
This dice activity encourages children to relate the number on the dice to the number of teddies they need to choose.
Golden beans
This task provides children with an opportunity to count 'golden beans' and find a number card to represent how many they have.
Dot card games
These games devised by Jenni Way use dot cards which will help children see the structure of numbers 1-6 and give them confidence as they begin to add and subtract these numbers.
Number rhymes
In this activity, the rhyme 'Ten Green Bottles' is used to encourage children to count backwards to work out how many bottles are left.
Incey Wincey
In this game, children roll the dice and count how many steps to move the spider up or down the drainpipe.
Number match
A task which depends on members of the group noticing the needs of others and responding.